I.T. and ME


          Information Technology changed how I do things everyday.  For the past decades change happened very slowly, delivering letters took days even months and not all people have cellphones and computers/laptops . During my student years, researching means going to libraries and reading magazines, books, esp. encyclopedias. Reporting means having to write on manila papers or acetate to be projected to a white wall. Term papers means tediously typing it on a typewriter and using correction fluid to make changes or worst retyping the whole page so that its neat, clean and readable. Reflecting on this, it made me realized that what i am doing during those years would be such an ordeal for students of today. Can you imagine looking for books in shelves the whole day, borrowing it (of course with your library card and ID) and taking it home to read, which you couldn’t finish. So with doing term papers, typing on a bond paper  that even how careful you are you still have a hard time finishing it without a blot of correction fluid.

          Now, with the advent of information technology, information can be gathered from cellphones, computers, and tablet with internet connection that is available to everybody and not to a few (which was the case during my student years). Everything happens in just a click of a button. Researching means having an internet connection and a computer/laptop/tablet. You don’t need to go to the library and wrestle with the books. Every information you want to know you can just type it on a search engine and hit enter then everything you want to know is right in front of you. Writing letters was replaced by sending emails which could be read in a matter of seconds. News can be read minutes after it happens you don’t have to wait the next day for the newspaper. Even in your cellphones you can access everything on it and communicating seems to be effortless nowadays. IT has changed our  lives, our way of living, it made things more easier and faster but this always comes with  a great responsibility to use it in any means that doesn’t infringe on anybody’s peace.

The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers. – Sydney Harris

Learning for me!

Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life. ~Henry L. Doherty
